Cafu Engine
Matrix4x4T< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix4x4T< T >, including all inherited members.

GetInverse(bool *Result=NULL) const Matrix4x4T< T >
GetProjFrustumMatrix(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetProjOrthoMatrix(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetProjPerspectiveMatrix(T fovY, T aspect, T zNear, T zFar)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetProjPickMatrix(T x, T y, T width, T height, int viewport[4])Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetRotateMatrix(T Angle, const Vector3T< T > &Axis)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetRotateXMatrix(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetRotateYMatrix(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetRotateZMatrix(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetScaleMatrix(T sx, T sy, T sz)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetTranslateMatrix(const Vector3T< T > &t)Matrix4x4T< T >static
GetTranspose() const Matrix4x4T< T >
InvXForm(Vector3T< T > v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
IsEqual(const Matrix4x4T &Other, const T Epsilon=0) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
mMatrix4x4T< T >
Matrix4x4T()Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Matrix4x4T(const float M[4][4])Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Matrix4x4T(const double M[4][4])Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Matrix4x4T(T m00, T m01, T m02, T m03, T m10, T m11, T m12, T m13, T m20, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m30, T m31, T m32, T m33)Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Matrix4x4T(const Vector3T< T > &t, const cf::math::QuaternionT< T > &q, const Vector3T< T > &s=Vector3T< T >(1, 1, 1))Matrix4x4T< T >
Mul(const T v[4], T out[4]) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul0(const Vector3dT &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul0(const Vector3fT &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul1(const Vector3dT &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul1(const Vector3fT &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul_xyz1(const Vector3T< T > &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
Mul_xyz1(const T v[3], T out[3]) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
operator*(const Matrix4x4T &Other) const Matrix4x4T< T >
operator[](unsigned int i)Matrix4x4T< T >inline
operator[](unsigned int i) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
ProjectPoint(const Vector3T< T > &v) const Matrix4x4T< T >inline
RotateX_MR(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
RotateX_RM(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
RotateY_MR(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
RotateY_RM(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
RotateZ_MR(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
RotateZ_RM(T Angle)Matrix4x4T< T >
Scale_MS(T sx, T sy, T sz)Matrix4x4T< T >
Scale_SM(T sx, T sy, T sz)Matrix4x4T< T >
Translate_MT(const Vector3dT &Trans)Matrix4x4T< T >
Translate_MT(T tx, T ty, T tz)Matrix4x4T< T >
Translate_TM(const Vector3dT &Trans)Matrix4x4T< T >