Cafu Engine
1 /**
2  * @mainpage C++ Source Code Documentation
3  *
4  * @section overview Overview
5  *
6  * Welcome to the <em>Cafu Engine C++ Source Code Documentation</em>.
7  *
8  * This reference documentation describes the classes, functions, namespaces and other elements of the C++ source code in detail.
9  *
10  * If you're new to Cafu, the documentation in this manual might look overwhelming at first:
11  *
12  * - For an overview and introduction to Cafu, see the documentation at
13  * - The Developer Resources page is at
14  * - If you're looking for the \emph{scripting} reference documentation instead, see
15  *
16  *
17  * @section libsandapps Libraries and Applications
18  *
19  * Cafu consists of a set of closely related C++ \emph{programming libraries} that together form the C++ API
20  * that you can use to create your own applications.
21  *
22  * In addition, Cafu also has a set of closely related \emph{applications}, especially the Cafu Engine, the map compilation programs
23  * and the Cafu World Editor, that you are encouraged to customize and re-use for your own projects.
24  * These applications are part of the C++ API and documented in this manual as well.
25  *
26  *
27  * @section multisub Multiple Implementations for Sub-Systems
28  *
29  * Some of the Cafu sub-systems come with multiple, alternative implementations:
30  *
31  * - For example, the Material System comes with an OpenGL 1.2 implementation that is used as a fall-back for old hardware,
32  * and several newer implementations that employ more modern features of OpenGL.
33  * - Another example is the Sound System, that comes with an implementation based on the FMOD library
34  * and another one that is based on OpenAL.
35  *
36  * In such cases, in order to avoid confusion from bringing in multiple classes with identical names,
37  * only \emph{one} of these sub-systems and its documentation is contained here,
38  * usually the one that is the most informative (and the best documented).
39  */