Cafu Engine
DeathMatch::EntInfoGenericT Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DeathMatch::EntInfoGenericT:

Public Member Functions

 EntInfoGenericT (const EntityCreateParamsT &Params)
const cf::TypeSys::TypeInfoTGetType () const
 Returns the proper type info for this entity. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
virtual ~BaseEntityT ()
 The destructor. More...
void Serialize (cf::Network::OutStreamT &Stream) const
 The implementation calls DoSerialize(), that derived classes override to add their own data. More...
void Deserialize (cf::Network::InStreamT &Stream, bool IsIniting)
 The implementation calls DoDeserialize(), that derived classes override to read their own data. More...
virtual void NotifyLeaveMap ()
 Let the entity know that it is about to be removed from the map. More...
virtual const BoundingBox3dTGetDimensions () const
 Returns the dimensions of this entity. More...
virtual void GetBodyOrientation (unsigned short &h, unsigned short &p, unsigned short &b) const
 Returns the orientation angles of the entity itself. More...
virtual void NotifyTouchedBy (BaseEntityT *Entity)
 This SERVER-SIDE function is used to notify this entity that it was touched by another entity. More...
virtual void OnTrigger (BaseEntityT *Activator)
 This SERVER-SIDE method is called whenever another entity walked into one of our trigger volumes (trigger brushes). More...
virtual void TakeDamage (BaseEntityT *Entity, char Amount, const VectorT &ImpactDir)
 This SERVER-SIDE function is used to have this entity take damage. More...
void PostEvent (unsigned int EventType)
 This SERVER-SIDE function is used for posting an event of the given type. More...
virtual void ProcessEvent (unsigned int EventType, unsigned int NumEvents)
 This CLIENT-SIDE function is called to process events on the client. More...
virtual bool GetLightSourceInfo (unsigned long &DiffuseColor, unsigned long &SpecularColor, VectorT &Position, float &Radius, bool &CastsShadows) const
 This CLIENT-SIDE function is called in order to retrieve light source information about this entity. More...
virtual void Draw (bool FirstPersonView, float LodDist) const
 This CLIENT-SIDE function is called by the client in order to get this entity drawn. More...
virtual void Interpolate (float FrameTime)
 This CLIENT-SIDE function is called by the client in order to advance all values of this entity that have been registered for interpolation. More...
virtual void PostDraw (float FrameTime, bool FirstPersonView)
 This CLIENT-SIDE function is called once per frame, for each entity, after the regular rendering (calls to 'Draw()') is completed, in order to provide entities an opportunity to render the HUD, employ simple "mini-prediction", triggers sounds, register particles, do other server-independent eye-candy, and so on. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameEntityI
virtual ~GameEntityI ()
 The virtual destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RefCountedT
unsigned int GetRefCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void * CreateInstance (const cf::TypeSys::CreateParamsT &Params)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
static void * CreateInstance (const cf::TypeSys::CreateParamsT &Params)
static int GetName (lua_State *L)

Static Public Attributes

static const cf::TypeSys::TypeInfoT TypeInfo
- Static Public Attributes inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
static const cf::TypeSys::TypeInfoT TypeInfo
 The type info object for (objects/instances of) this class. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
const std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
 The properties of this entities from the map file. More...
< cf::GameSys::EntityT
 The associated entity in the cf::GameSys::WorldT. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
 BaseEntityT (const EntityCreateParamsT &Params, const BoundingBox3dT &Dimensions, const unsigned int NUM_EVENT_TYPES)
 Protected constructor such that only concrete entities can call this for creating a BaseEntityT, but nobody else. More...
void Register (ApproxBaseT *Interp)
 Concrete entities call this method in their constructors in order to have us automatically interpolate the value that has been specified with the Interp instance. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RefCountedT
 RefCountedT (const RefCountedT &)
RefCountedToperator= (const RefCountedT &)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT
BoundingBox3dT m_Dimensions
 The bounding box of this entity (relative to the origin). More...

Member Function Documentation

const cf::TypeSys::TypeInfoT * EntInfoGenericT::GetType ( ) const

Returns the proper type info for this entity.

Reimplemented from DeathMatch::BaseEntityT.

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