Cafu Engine
1 /*
2 Cafu Engine,
3 Copyright (c) Carsten Fuchs and other contributors.
4 This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
5 */
7 /****************/
8 /*** Renderer ***/
9 /****************/
16 template<class T> class ArrayT;
17 class MaterialT;
18 template<class T> class Matrix4x4T;
22 namespace MatSys
23 {
24  class MeshT;
25  class RenderMaterialT;
26  class TextureMapI;
29  /// This class provides an interface to a renderer.
30  /// The interface is specified as ABC in order to share the renderer across exe/dll boundaries.
31  class RendererI
32  {
33  public:
38  /// Returns true if this renderer is supported on this system (e.g. required OpenGL extensions are present,
39  /// version of DirectX matches, ...), and returns false otherwise.
40  /// This function must not be called before the underlying video environment (i.e. the OpenGL rendering context) has been initialized.
41  /// No preceeding call to Initialize() is required, and the environment is left as clean as it was found,
42  /// such that no subsequent actions (i.e. calls to this function of *other* renderers) get into trouble.
43  virtual bool IsSupported() const=0;
45  /// Returns true if this renderer supports SHL rendering with compressed (indexed) SHLMaps, false otherwise.
46  virtual bool DoesSupportCompressedSHL() const=0;
48  /// Returns true if this renderer supports SHL rendering with uncompressed SHLMaps (four coefficients per SHLMap), false otherwise.
49  virtual bool DoesSupportUncompressedSHL() const=0;
51  /// Returns a "global" preference number for this renderer.
52  /// This helps the caller code the select the "best" or "most preferred" renderer among many.
53  virtual int GetPreferenceNr() const=0;
55  /// Call this after a successful call to IsSupported() in order to prepare the renderer for use.
56  virtual void Initialize()=0;
58  /// Call this in order to release this renderer.
59  virtual void Release()=0;
61  /// Returns a description of this renderer, e.g. for informing the users about the
62  /// underlying technique (OpenGL, DirectX, ...), the capabilities, or details about the implementation.
63  virtual const char* GetDescription() const=0;
65  // Tells the renderer where the base directory is.
66  // The texture file names of the materials are specified relative to this base dir.
67  // OBSOLETE virtual void SetBaseDir(const std::string& BaseDir_)=0;
69  // This simply returns the previously set base directory name.
70  // OBSOLETE virtual const std::string& GetBaseDir()=0;
72  /// Registers the Material with the renderer, and returns a handle for future reference.
73  /// NULL can be passed for Material, in which case a "null" handle will be returned, which is nonetheless valid
74  /// (but just won't cause any rendering output later).
75  virtual MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RegisterMaterial(const MaterialT* Material) const=0;
77  /// Returns the MaterialT object that was used in RegisterMaterial() to create the RenderMaterial.
78  virtual const MaterialT* GetMaterialFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RenderMaterial) const=0;
80  /// Returns the ID of the ambient shader of the RenderMaterial.
81  /// This number can be used by the calling code in order to adjust the draw order (for the AMBIENT render action).
82  /// It is guaranteed that the returned value is reasonably small, that is, not greater than the number of shaders that are employed in this renderer.
83  virtual unsigned long GetAmbientShaderIDFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RenderMaterial) const=0;
85  /// Returns the ID of the light shader of the RenderMaterial.
86  /// This number can be used by the calling code in order to adjust the draw order (for the LIGHTING render action).
87  /// It is guaranteed that the returned value is reasonably small, that is, not greater than the number of shaders that are employed in this renderer.
88  virtual unsigned long GetLightShaderIDFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RenderMaterial) const=0;
90  /// Used to free the previously registered (render-)material.
91  /// If RenderMaterial happens to be the currently used material, SetCurrentMaterial(NULL) is automatically called before RenderMaterial is deleted.
92  virtual void FreeMaterial(MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RenderMaterial)=0;
94  /// Call this to begin rendering a new frame. This function typically clears the screen and calls other
95  /// implementation specific functions to start a new frame.
96  /// Time is the global time in seconds at which this frame starts.
97  virtual void BeginFrame(double Time)=0;
99  /// Call this to end the current frame. This function typically calls functions like SwapBuffers() and other
100  /// implementation specific functions to end a frame.
101  virtual void EndFrame()=0;
103  /// This function pre-caches all textures of all materials that have been registered with RegisterMaterial() so far.
104  /// As a result, the delay that otherwise occurs when new textures are first used for rendering is minimized.
105  virtual void PreCache()=0;
107  /// This activates a specific render action, as is required for multi-pass rendering with dynamic lights and stencil shadows.
108  /// Rendering geometry will only consider those parts of the materials that are relevant for their currently set action.
109  virtual void SetCurrentRenderAction(RenderActionT RA)=0;
111  /// Returns the currently set render action.
112  virtual RenderActionT GetCurrentRenderAction() const=0;
114  // These methods set/get general-purpose rendering parameters.
115  //
116  // The Set... methods are normally called from entity code, before the entity draws itself.
117  // The entity in turn may have the values from its map file description, i.e. from CaWE, where the user set them.
118  // Or an entity script may set them, or of course the engine or MOD (entity) C++ code.
119  // For example, a weapon could set the percentage of its remaining ammo, or anything else that reflects its current state.
120  //
121  // These parameters are then available in the cmat material script files, where they can be used in expressions.
122  // This means that the cmat script can for example specify how the color of a material changes depending on some weapons remaining ammo level!
123  // Another example are toggle-switches that can change their color (e.g. red/green) depending on their state.
124  //
125  // How does the writer of the cmap script know the meaning of a rendering parameter? Answer: By agreement/arrangement (Vereinbarung/Absprache)!
126  // He knows that he's writing a script for a material that is supposed to be on a certain entity, e.g. a weapon.
127  // The weapon coder then tells him that rendering parameter 7 is set to the remaining relative ammo level, and the cmap writer can then use it.
128  //
129  // The cmap script in turn may hand over these *rendering* parameters as *shader* parameters to the shader by using the "shaderExprParam" keyword.
130  // The meaning of the *shader* parameters does ALSO rely on a previous agreement/arrangement, but this time with the shader coder!
131  // That in turn means that the full control over a shader (== ShaderT, e.g. a vertex+fragment program) can be *anywhere* between those who
132  // provide the rendering parameter values and those who write the cmap script! E.g. for a shader parameter ("shaderExprParam ..."),
133  // you can pass-in a constant value, a rendering parameter, or any combination between them that can be expressed by an expression.
134  //
135  // Index can currently be between 0 and 31 (inclusive).
136  virtual void SetGenPurposeRenderingParam (unsigned long Index, float Value)=0;
137  virtual void SetGenPurposeRenderingParam (unsigned long Index, int Value)=0;
138  virtual float GetGenPurposeRenderingParamF(unsigned long Index) const=0;
139  virtual int GetGenPurposeRenderingParamI(unsigned long Index) const=0;
141  // Sets/gets the ambient light color that is used from material script rgb expressions.
142  virtual void SetCurrentAmbientLightColor(float r, float g, float b)=0;
143  virtual float* GetCurrentAmbientLightColor()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
144  virtual const float* GetCurrentAmbientLightColor() const=0;
146  // This sets the current light source that is to be used with RenderActions STENCILSHADOW and LIGHTING.
147  // Please note that the Position and Radius must be given in MODEL space!
148  virtual void SetCurrentLightSourcePosition(float x, float y, float z)=0;
149  virtual float* GetCurrentLightSourcePosition()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
150  virtual const float* GetCurrentLightSourcePosition() const=0;
151  virtual void SetCurrentLightSourceRadius(float r)=0;
152  virtual float& GetCurrentLightSourceRadius()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
153  virtual const float& GetCurrentLightSourceRadius() const=0;
154  virtual void SetCurrentLightSourceDiffuseColor (float r, float g, float b)=0;
155  virtual float* GetCurrentLightSourceDiffuseColor()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
156  virtual const float* GetCurrentLightSourceDiffuseColor() const=0;
157  virtual void SetCurrentLightSourceSpecularColor(float r, float g, float b)=0;
158  virtual float* GetCurrentLightSourceSpecularColor()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
159  virtual const float* GetCurrentLightSourceSpecularColor() const=0;
161  // This sets the current eye position in MODEL space(!) that is used in some lighting shaders (e.g. for specular highlights).
162  virtual void SetCurrentEyePosition(float x, float y, float z)=0;
163  virtual float* GetCurrentEyePosition()=0; // Can also be used for writing.
164  virtual const float* GetCurrentEyePosition() const=0;
166  /// Pushes all lighting parameters onto a stack. The depth of the stack is only limited by available memory.
167  /// The following parameters are covered:
168  /// Light source position and radius, light source diffuse and specular color, and the eye position.
169  /// The ambient light color is currently NOT covered.
170  virtual void PushLightingParameters()=0;
172  /// Pops (restores) the lighting parameters that have previously been pushed onto the stack.
173  /// Nothing happens if the stack is empty.
174  virtual void PopLightingParameters()=0;
177  /******************************************/
178  /*** Interface for output window issues ***/
179  /******************************************/
181  virtual void ClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)=0;
182  virtual void Flush()=0;
185  /***********************************************/
186  /*** Interface for dealing with the matrices ***/
187  /***********************************************/
191  // Methods for getting the native and dependent matrices.
192  virtual const Matrix4x4fT& GetMatrix(MatrixNameT MN) const=0;
193  virtual const Matrix4x4fT& GetMatrixInv(MatrixNameT MN) const=0;
194  virtual const Matrix4x4fT& GetMatrixModelView() const=0;
196  // Methods for modifying the matrices.
197  virtual void SetMatrix(MatrixNameT MN, const Matrix4x4fT& Matrix)=0;
198  virtual void Translate(MatrixNameT MN, float x, float y, float z)=0; // Convenience method, equivalent to SetMatrix(GetMatrix()*T);
199  virtual void Scale (MatrixNameT MN, float scale)=0;
200  virtual void RotateX (MatrixNameT MN, float angle)=0;
201  virtual void RotateY (MatrixNameT MN, float angle)=0;
202  virtual void RotateZ (MatrixNameT MN, float angle)=0;
204  // Methods for pushing the matrices on and popping them off a stack.
205  virtual void PushMatrix(MatrixNameT MN)=0;
206  virtual void PopMatrix (MatrixNameT MN)=0;
209  // Viewport functions.
210  virtual void SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)=0;
211  virtual void GetViewport(int viewport[4])=0;
213  // Selection, Picking, and Feedback.
214  enum PickingRenderModeT { RENDER, SELECT, FEEDBACK };
216  virtual void SetSelectionBuffer(unsigned long Size, unsigned int* Buffer)=0;
217  virtual unsigned long SetPickingRenderMode(PickingRenderModeT PRM)=0;
218  virtual void InitNameStack()=0;
219  virtual void LoadName(unsigned long Name)=0;
220  virtual void PushName(unsigned long Name)=0;
221  virtual void PopName()=0;
224  /**************************************************************/
225  /*** 1st interface for handing in geometry (immediate mode) ***/
226  /**************************************************************/
228  virtual void SetCurrentMaterial(MatSys::RenderMaterialT* RenderMaterial)=0;
229  virtual MatSys::RenderMaterialT* GetCurrentMaterial() const=0;
230  virtual void LockCurrentMaterial(bool LockCM_)=0;
232  virtual void SetCurrentLightMap(TextureMapI* LightMap)=0;
233  virtual void SetCurrentLightDirMap(TextureMapI* LightDirMap)=0;
235  virtual void SetCurrentSHLMaps(const ArrayT<TextureMapI*>& SHLMaps)=0; // Each SHLMap stores 4 coefficients (uncompressed SHL) or there is one index map (compressed SHL).
236  virtual void SetCurrentSHLLookupMap(TextureMapI* SHLLookupMap)=0;
238  /* virtual void BeginGeom(type)=0;
239  virtual void VertexAttrib1(...)=0; // e.g. TexCoord
240  virtual void VertexAttrib2(...)=0; // e.g. LMCoord
241  virtual void Vertex(...)=0;
242  virtual void EndGeom()=0; */
246  // ?????????????????????????????????????
247  virtual void BeginShadowSilhouetteGeom()=0;
248  virtual void Vertex(...)=0;
249  virtual void EndShadowSilhouetteGeom()=0; */
251  virtual void RenderMesh(const MatSys::MeshT& Mesh)=0;
253  /// This ABC does neither have nor need a destructor, because no implementation will ever be deleted via a pointer to a RendererI.
254  /// (The implementations are singletons after all.) See the Singleton pattern and the C++ FAQ 21.05 (the "precise rule") for more information.
255  /// g++ however issues a warning with no such destructor, so I provide one anyway and am safe.
256  virtual ~RendererI() { }
257  };
260  /// A global pointer to the current renderer, for common access by all modules that use the MatSys.
261  /// Just set this after you loaded the desired renderer DLL to the pointer returned by the DLLs GetRenderer() function.
262  /// (And NULL it on unloading the DLL.)
263  /// An analogous object exists for the TextureMapManager interface, see TextureMap.hpp.
264  extern RendererI* Renderer;
265 }
267 #endif
This class represents a surface render material.
Definition: RenderMaterial.hpp:25
virtual void EndFrame()=0
Call this to end the current frame.
virtual ~RendererI()
This ABC does neither have nor need a destructor, because no implementation will ever be deleted via ...
Definition: Renderer.hpp:256
virtual void PreCache()=0
This function pre-caches all textures of all materials that have been registered with RegisterMateria...
virtual RenderActionT GetCurrentRenderAction() const =0
Returns the currently set render action.
virtual bool IsSupported() const =0
Returns true if this renderer is supported on this system (e.g.
virtual void FreeMaterial(MatSys::RenderMaterialT *RenderMaterial)=0
Used to free the previously registered (render-)material.
virtual unsigned long GetLightShaderIDFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT *RenderMaterial) const =0
Returns the ID of the light shader of the RenderMaterial.
This class represents a generic 4x4 matrix.
Definition: MapElement.hpp:30
This class represents a surface material ("A datastructural representation of a scripts material def...
Definition: Material.hpp:22
This is an interface to a texture-map.
Definition: TextureMap.hpp:23
virtual void BeginFrame(double Time)=0
Call this to begin rendering a new frame.
virtual void SetCurrentRenderAction(RenderActionT RA)=0
This activates a specific render action, as is required for multi-pass rendering with dynamic lights ...
virtual const char * GetDescription() const =0
Returns a description of this renderer, e.g.
virtual const MaterialT * GetMaterialFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT *RenderMaterial) const =0
Returns the MaterialT object that was used in RegisterMaterial() to create the RenderMaterial.
virtual unsigned long GetAmbientShaderIDFromRM(MatSys::RenderMaterialT *RenderMaterial) const =0
Returns the ID of the ambient shader of the RenderMaterial.
virtual void Initialize()=0
Call this after a successful call to IsSupported() in order to prepare the renderer for use...
virtual bool DoesSupportUncompressedSHL() const =0
Returns true if this renderer supports SHL rendering with uncompressed SHLMaps (four coefficients per...
virtual int GetPreferenceNr() const =0
Returns a "global" preference number for this renderer.
virtual void PopLightingParameters()=0
Pops (restores) the lighting parameters that have previously been pushed onto the stack...
virtual void Release()=0
Call this in order to release this renderer.
virtual bool DoesSupportCompressedSHL() const =0
Returns true if this renderer supports SHL rendering with compressed (indexed) SHLMaps, false otherwise.
This class provides an interface to a renderer.
Definition: Renderer.hpp:31
virtual MatSys::RenderMaterialT * RegisterMaterial(const MaterialT *Material) const =0
Registers the Material with the renderer, and returns a handle for future reference.
Definition: Renderer.hpp:16
virtual void PushLightingParameters()=0
Pushes all lighting parameters onto a stack.
This class represents a polygonal mesh.
Definition: Mesh.hpp:45