| ToolSelectionT (MapDocumentT &MapDoc, ToolManagerT &ToolMan, wxWindow *ParentOptionsBar) |
int | GetWxEventID () const |
| Returns the ID of the wxWidgets event (menu selection or toolbar button click) that is associated with activating this tool. More...
wxWindow * | GetOptionsBar () |
| Returns the options bar window associated with this tool. NULL if no options bar has been assigned. More...
void | OnActivate (ToolT *OldTool) |
void | OnDeactivate (ToolT *NewTool) |
bool | OnKeyDown2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
bool | OnKeyUp2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
bool | OnLMouseDown2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| Also used for LMB "double-click" events (use ME.ButtonDClick() for distinction). More...
bool | OnLMouseUp2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
bool | OnMouseMove2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
int | OnContextMenu2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxContextMenuEvent &CE, wxMenu &Menu) |
bool | OnKeyDown3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
bool | OnLMouseDown3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| Also used for LMB "double-click" events (use ME.ButtonDClick() for distinction). More...
bool | OnLMouseUp3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
bool | OnMouseMove3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
int | OnContextMenu3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxContextMenuEvent &CE, wxMenu &Menu) |
void | RenderTool2D (Renderer2DT &Renderer) const |
void | RenderTool3D (Renderer3DT &Renderer) const |
bool | UpdateStatusBar (ChildFrameT *ChildFrame) const |
void | NotifySubjectChanged_Selection (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< MapElementT * > &OldSelection, const ArrayT< MapElementT * > &NewSelection) |
| Notifies the observer that the selection in the current subject has been changed. More...
void | NotifySubjectChanged_Deleted (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< IntrusivePtrT< cf::GameSys::EntityT > > &Entities) |
| Notifies the observer that one or more entities have been deleted. More...
void | NotifySubjectChanged_Deleted (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< MapPrimitiveT * > &Primitives) |
| Notifies the observer that one or more map primitives have been deleted. More...
void | NotifySubjectChanged_Modified (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< MapElementT * > &MapElements, MapElemModDetailE Detail) |
void | NotifySubjectChanged_Modified (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< MapElementT * > &MapElements, MapElemModDetailE Detail, const ArrayT< BoundingBox3fT > &OldBounds) |
void | Notify_EntChanged (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< IntrusivePtrT< MapEditor::CompMapEntityT > > &Entities, EntityModDetailE Detail) |
| This is called when a property of an entity changed, such as the "model" property. More...
void | Notify_VarChanged (SubjectT *Subject, const cf::TypeSys::VarBaseT &Var) |
| Notifies the observer that a variable has changed. More...
void | NotifySubjectDies (SubjectT *dyingSubject) |
| This method is called whenever a subject is about the be destroyed (and become unavailable). More...
virtual const
cf::TypeSys::TypeInfoT * | GetType () const |
| ToolT (MapDocumentT &MapDoc, ToolManagerT &ToolMan) |
| The constructor. More...
virtual | ~ToolT () |
| The destructor. More...
void | Activate (ToolT *OldTool) |
void | Deactivate (ToolT *NewTool) |
bool | IsActiveTool () const |
virtual bool | CanDeactivate () |
virtual bool | IsHiddenByTool (const MapElementT *Elem) const |
| The caller calls this method in order to learn whether it should exempt the given map element Elem from normal 2D and 3D rendering. This is usually true when Elem is currently being modified by the tool and thus rendered (in a special way) by the tool itself. Examples include brushes being morphed and terrains being edited. More...
virtual bool | OnChar2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
virtual bool | OnMMouseDown2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| Also used for MMB "double-click" events (use ME.ButtonDClick() for distinction). More...
virtual bool | OnMMouseUp2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
virtual bool | OnRMouseClick2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| For the RMB, only a "click" event is available, because the RMB is also used for mouse-looking and the context menu. More...
virtual bool | OnMouseWheel2D (ViewWindow2DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
virtual bool | OnKeyUp3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
virtual bool | OnChar3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxKeyEvent &KE) |
virtual bool | OnMMouseDown3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| Also used for MMB "double-click" events (use ME.ButtonDClick() for distinction). More...
virtual bool | OnMMouseUp3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
virtual bool | OnRMouseClick3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
| For the RMB, only a "click" event is available, because the RMB is also used for mouse-looking and the context menu. More...
virtual bool | OnMouseWheel3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, wxMouseEvent &ME) |
virtual bool | OnIdle3D (ViewWindow3DT &ViewWindow, const wxPoint &Point) |
virtual void | NotifySubjectChanged (SubjectT *Subject, MapDocOtherDetailT OtherDetail) |
| Notifies the observer that some other detail than those specifically addressed below has changed. More...
virtual void | NotifySubjectChanged_Groups (SubjectT *Subject) |
| Notifies the observer that the groups in the current subject have been changed (new group added, group deleted, visibility changed, anything). More...
virtual void | NotifySubjectChanged_Created (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< IntrusivePtrT< cf::GameSys::EntityT > > &Entities) |
| Notifies the observer that one or more entities have been created. More...
virtual void | NotifySubjectChanged_Created (SubjectT *Subject, const ArrayT< MapPrimitiveT * > &Primitives) |
| Notifies the observer that one or more map primitives have been created. More...
virtual | ~ObserverT () |
| The virtual destructor. More...